
Will Varicose Veins Go Away on Their Own, or Do I Need Sclerotherapy?

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Will Varicose Veins Go Away on Their Own, or Do I Need Sclerotherapy?

Ready to get some answers on your vein problem? We’re here to help. Keep reading to find out if your varicose veins will go away on their own, or if you’ll need more extensive treatment.

Varicose veins are a frustrating problem that affects nearly one in four adults in the United States. But those twisted, bulging veins visible just under the surface of your skin aren't going to respond to wishful thinking alone — they need help from the professionals. 

People from in and around Oakland, New Jersey have benefited from our prompt, effective treatments, walking away from our office with fewer visible veins and healthier-looking skin. 

In this blog, our team of experts at CANJ Aesthetics answers all your questions about varicose veins, including exactly what you can expect from sclerotherapy treatment. 

What are varicose veins?

First, let’s cover the basics of varicose veins. Varicose veins are enlarged veins that occur when the valves in your veins don't work properly. Normally, your valves open and close to prevent blood from flowing backward in your veins, but when they weaken or fail, blood can pool in the veins and cause them to bulge.

The valves in your legs and feet have to work against the force of gravity, so they tend to be more susceptible to becoming varicose. 

Do varicose veins go away on their own?

Unfortunately, varicose veins don't usually go away on their own. While elevating your legs, wearing compression stockings, or losing weight can help keep them from getting worse, the underlying problem won't resolve without vein removal treatment. 

In fact, if left untreated, moderate to severe varicose veins can lead to more serious problems like poor circulation, skin ulcers, deep vein thrombosis (blood clots), or vein bleeding.

What is sclerotherapy?

Sclerotherapy is a minimally invasive technique we use to treat varicose veins. During the procedure, we inject a special sclerosing agent into the affected vein, which irritates the vessel and causes it to collapse. Your blood reroutes itself to healthy nearby veins, and your body processes and eliminates the collapsed vein in a few weeks. 

Sclerotherapy is a safe and effective treatment performed in an outpatient setting with little to no downtime. Depending on the size and severity of your varicose veins, results can take as little as three weeks to attain.

Do you need sclerotherapy for varicose veins?

We determine whether or not you need sclerotherapy for varicose veins depending on the severity of your symptoms and the underlying cause of your varicose veins. 

For instance, visual vein sclerotherapy may be a good option for you if your varicose veins are fully visible along the surface of your skin, or if they cause discomfort, pain, or swelling that affects your quality of life. However, we may explore other treatment options if your varicose veins are deeper or twist inward, away from the surface of your skin.   

Don't spend another day covering up your unsightly veins. Call our friendly staff or use our online booking tool to schedule an appointment at CANJ Aesthetics in Oakland, New Jersey, today.