
Our Services / Spider Vein Removal

Spider Vein Removal services offered in Oakland, NJ

Spider veins may not harm you, but their web-like appearance gets in the way of clear and even skin. At CANJ Aesthetics in Oakland, New Jersey, the aesthetic team offers spider vein removal treatments using several advanced techniques. If you’re interested in exploring options for spider vein removal for one or more broken blood vessels, call CANJ Aesthetics or book a consultation online today.

Spider Vein Removal Q & A

What is spider vein removal?

Spider veins are tiny web-like broken blood vessels that tend to appear across the body. They’re most common on the legs and face, but you might see them in other areas too. These veins can show up due to sun damage, pressure changes, or faulty valves inside the veins that prevent blood from flowing. 

Spider vein removal refers to treatments that minimize these veins or cause them to disappear entirely. While spider veins themselves won’t harm you and aren’t usually signs of any underlying disease, you still might not like how they look. 

Removal options for spider veins can give you clearer-looking skin with minimal side effects regardless of the treatment you choose. 

What are my options for spider vein removal?

CANJ Aesthetics offers multiple effective treatment options for spider vein removal. The team helps you select a treatment based on your goals, preferences, and expectations. Your options include:


Sclerotherapy uses a chemical agent called a sclerosant to make the inside of the targeted vein stick together. This procedure closes the vein, reroutes the blood, and makes your spider vein disappear. 

Intense pulsed light (IPL) photofacial

IPL is a bright, scattered light that eliminates multiple blemishes and pigmented features from the skin, including spider veins. 

Laser vein removal

The team uses laser vein removal more often for varicose veins than for spider veins, but it may be an option depending on the size of the vein you want to target. During this procedure, an electrode with either laser energy or radiofrequency energy travels through a catheter into the vein to cauterize it from the inside. 

Can I prevent new spider veins?

Preventing spider veins isn’t possible in every case, but you can take steps to minimize them. The team at CANJ Aesthetics may recommend:

  • Wearing plenty of sunscreen
  • Managing your weight
  • Staying mobile
  • Avoiding tight clothes
  • Exercising regularly
  • Limiting your alcohol intake
  • Wearing compression stockings

These steps help prevent new spider veins by protecting you against the processes that lead to them in the first place; they may also work to prevent varicose veins. 

To schedule an appointment for spider vein removal at CANJ Aesthetics, call the office or book online today.

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At CANJ Aesthetics, our doctors will provide you with high-quality aesthetic services. We provide a customized experience to fit every individual’s needs