
What to Expect After Visual Vein Sclerotherapy Treatments

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What to Expect After Visual Vein Sclerotherapy Treatments

Are visible spider veins or varicose veins on your face, body, or legs making you feel bad about your appearance? Learn about a safe, effective treatment for erasing veins and improving your appearance.

Are you tired of looking at visible veins on your face, legs, or elsewhere on your body? Do you wish you could just erase those veins and make them invisible?

You’re in luck. Visual vein sclerotherapy treatment offers a safe, effective way to rid yourself of unattractive veins that stand between you and your desired appearance.

At CANJ Aesthetics in Oakland, New Jersey, our seasoned care providers are thrilled to offer our patients visual vein sclerotherapy treatments. Here, we offer some brief context on this gold-standard vein removal option, along with information about what you can expect after the procedure.

About visible veins

In most cases, having visible veins won’t cause any troublesome symptoms. Sure, you may feel embarrassed by the red, blue, or purple lines or bulging veins on your face, legs, arms, or trunk. But they are unlikely to cause medical problems for you.

However, just because they’re not threatening your physical health doesn’t mean visible veins are harmless. Like any other aesthetic issue, visible veins can draw unwanted attention and can leave you feeling awkward, unattractive, or imperfect. By sapping your confidence, they can affect you personally, professionally, and socially. 

A safe solution for visible veins

Vein removal treatment known as sclerotherapy can safely eliminate unsightly spider veins and varicose veins

When we perform sclerotherapy, we inject a saline-based sclerosing agent into the lining of your unwanted vein. The sclerotherapy solution irritates the vessel, causing it to shrink and eventually close up. 

When the targeted vein collapses inward, your blood reroutes itself into nearby healthy veins. As the vein continues to shrink further, it forms into harmless scar tissue and fades away.

After your sclerotherapy treatment

Sclerotherapy is an in-office procedure that takes only about 15-30 minutes to complete. Your provider lets you know if you can expect total vein removal after one session, or whether you may need a follow-up treatment to resolve a stubborn vein.

Although you may notice immediate results, you can also expect improvements to continue during the days and weeks following your procedure. Your provider can give you a specific results timeline based on the size, number, and location of the veins receiving treatment.

After your procedure you may feel some minor and temporary discomfort, slight cramping, or bruising. Most of our patients have no trouble tolerating post-procedure discomfort.

Before you leave our office, we share simple post-procedure care tips for your skin, such as avoiding sun exposure. After large vein treatment, our providers may recommend that you wear compression stockings for a while. Most patients return to their normal daily activities after their treatment. 

It takes time for your veins to become less visible. Once the sclerotherapy solution starts irritating the veins and causing them to shrink, your veins will gradually go through the process of closing and becoming less visible. It can take anywhere from 3 weeks to 4 months to see your final results.

Comprehensive medical aesthetics care

Our providers would like to help you erase your unsightly veins. To schedule a consultation at CANJ Aesthetics in Oakland, New Jersey, call 551-231-1733 today, or use our online contact form to request a vein evaluation appointment any time.