
What Are My Options to Remove a Birthmark?

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What Are My Options to Remove a Birthmark?

If you have a birthmark that impacts your appearance or self-image, you may wish to have it removed. Learn about removal options, including safe, effective laser treatments that can erase certain types of birthmarks.

As their name implies, birthmarks are abnormal skin markings that are present at birth. They can range in size and vary in color and shape. Depending on where they’re located on your body, they may or may not affect your appearance and how you feel about yourself.

Most birthmarks present no medical issues. However, if a birthmark bothers you, you may wish to have it removed.

Here at CANJ Aesthetics in Oakland, New Jersey, our care providers are dedicated to helping our patients achieve their aesthetic goals. If you have a birthmark you’d like to get rid of, we’re here to help. Read on to learn more about your birthmark removal options.

Basic facts about birthmarks

There are two main types of birthmarks: 

Vascular birthmarks

These birthmarks are typically red because they contain abnormally formed blood vessels. Common vascular birthmarks include port wine stains and hemangiomas.

Pigmented birthmarks

These birthmarks are made up of excess pigment cells, the same building blocks that give your skin its natural coloring. Pigmented birthmarks can occur in various colors, including pink, brown, beige, or black. A café-au-lait spot is a common pigmented birthmark.

The American Academy of Dermatology has a photo gallery of birthmarks if you’d like to see how yours compares to common birthmark types.

Skin cancer risk

Although birthmarks are not, by their nature, cancerous, some types of birthmarks have a higher-than-normal risk of developing skin cancer at some point in your life. 

Be sure to show any birthmarks you have to your primary care provider during your yearly checkups, and call your provider if your birthmark bleeds, itches, or changes appearance.

Birthmarks removal options

The type of birthmark removal procedure we recommend depends on the type, size, depth, and location of your birthmark. Birthmark removal options include:

Laser birthmark removal

Laser treatments use highly targeted light energy to gently break up areas of excess pigmentation and remove them from your skin. Laser treatments are often recommended for pigmented birthmarks.

At CANJ Aesthetics, we use a state-of-the-art laser system known as the Harmony XL ProThis system provides safe, effective birthmark removal. What’s more, laser treatment requires little or no downtime.

Laser treatment removes a birthmark by breaking down its pigments, allowing your body to reabsorb and eliminate the pigment cells naturally. If laser birthmark removal seems like a good treatment for you, your provider will talk with you about the number of treatments you may require and the results you can expect.

Surgical birthmark removal

In some cases, birth marks must be removed surgically, rather than through laser treatments. Cherry hemangiomas are often removed via surgical excision. The type of surgery you would require depends on the size, location, and extent of your birthmark. 

Have your birthmark evaluated

If you’re interested in exploring your options for birthmark removal, we invite you to schedule a consultation at CANJ Aesthetics in Oakland, New Jersey. Simply call 551-231-1733 today, or use our online contact form to request an evaluation appointment any time.