
The Truth About How Collagen Makes You Look Younger

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The Truth About How Collagen Makes You Look Younger

If you’ve heard it once, you’ve heard it a thousand times: Collagen is good for your aging skin. How collagen works to make your skin look younger and healthier is where the real magic lies. Keep reading to learn more. 

You’ve heard beauty companies toss around the word “collagen” so much that it’s starting to sound more like a buzzword or marketing ploy rather than a legitimate tool for reversing the signs of aging. But we’re here to say that collagen truly is the cornerstone of a solid skincare routine and a key player in helping you address your most frustrating flaws. 

Here, our experts at CANJ Aesthetics in Oakland, New Jersey, show you how collagen lives up to its hype by walking you through the science behind it. 

What is collagen?

Collagen is a fibrous, supportive protein that acts as a building block for your skin, bones, cartilage, tendons, and ligaments. It helps epidermal cells stick together and gives your skin its inherent strength and elasticity. 

When you’re young, you have all the collagen you need and then some. But, as you get older and your skin is exposed to the sun and other environmental aggressors, your body loses collagen and stops producing as much. The result? Saggy, wrinkly skin. 

How does collagen minimize the signs of aging?

If lack of collagen is your skin’s main problem, it makes sense to take steps to replenish your stores with a supplement or aesthetic treatment — but is all for naught?      

Perhaps not.

Studies show that collagen supplements (think powders and pills) and collagen-inducing laser therapies — including the aesthetic treatments we offer at CANJ Aesthetics — are effective at replacing the collagen you’ve lost and helping your body produce more. 

Before recommending a collagen-induction treatment, we consider your unique skin needs. Depending on the findings of our aesthetic evaluation, your epidermal tissues may respond best to a photofacial, IPL, Harmony XL Pro, or ClearLift treatment. 

Our collagen-boosting treatments are safe, minimally invasive, and well tolerated, and they can also tackle other common skin concerns, including:

  • Pigmented lesions
  • Large pores
  • Acne and acne scarring

Whatever your skin issue is, our team at CANJ Aesthetics has an answer — we can help you restore your skin from the inside out, revitalize your complexion, minimize the signs of aging, and take years off your appearance. 

Is there anything else I can do?

The studies surrounding collagen therapies are positive, but they don’t make any promises. Everyone responds differently to aesthetic treatments, so you may not get the results your friends get. 

With that in mind, we make sure each of our patients has the tools they need to preserve (and boost) collagen. Here are a few simple things you can do to support your skin on your own:

  • Add retinoids and peptides to your daily skin care routine
  • Protect collagen stores with topical vitamin C products
  • Apply sunscreen to your face every day
  • Eat lean protein and fresh vegetables
  • Limit your intake of added sugars
  • Quit smoking; don’t overdo it with alcohol
  • Manage your stress levels and get enough sleep
  • Stay physically active to promote optimal circulation 

We’d never tell you to get all your beauty tips from the internet and social media, but when it comes to collagen, what they say is true. 

If you’d like more information about collagen and how you can get and keep more of it, call or click online to schedule your consultation with our team at CANJ Aesthetics in Oakland, New Jersey, today.