
Laser Hair Removal: Start Now and Have Velvety Smooth Skin by Summer

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Laser Hair Removal: Start Now and Have Velvety Smooth Skin by Summer

Summer is the time for the beach, barbecues, baseball, and bare legs. Of course, that may also mean regular maintenance to keep those legs smooth and free of hair. You can skip shaving if you start a laser hair removal program now.

Over 750,000 Americans turn to laser hair removal every year to ensure long-lasting relief from shaves, waxing, plucking, and more. A series of laser treatments can permanently disable hair follicles, leaving you maintenance-free for the summer. 

CANJ Aesthetics offers the Harmony XL Pro laser system to their patients, one of the fastest and most effective laser hair removal systems available. Contact the office to find out more about Harmony XL Pro treatments.  

The laser solution for hair

Lasers deliver energy in the form of a tightly controlled beam of light. Hair removal lasers like the Harmony XL Pro target hair follicles during the growth phase. The follicles are at their darkest, contrasting with the surrounding skin. 

You may know that dark colors absorb sunlight and heat up. This is the same principle used by a hair removal laser. The energy from the laser warms the follicle while leaving the surrounding skin unaffected. As the follicle warms, it becomes damaged and unable to grow hair. In the weeks after treatment, compromised follicles are absorbed by the body and flushed away. 

Hair growth cycles

The Harmony XL Pro, like all other hair removal lasers, only treats follicles that are actively growing hair, since this is the point of vulnerability. About one-third of your body hair is in the growth phase at any one time. 

There are two other phases, resting and regression, and again, about one-third of hair is in each of these. This is a generalization since body hair cycles vary all over your body. A higher percentage of hair is in the growth phase on the scalp, for example. 

Growth cycles mean that a series of laser treatments must be used to completely exfoliate an area of your body. A single treatment may be effective on currently growing follicles, but in a few weeks, other follicles begin to produce, and these need to be treated anew. 

Harmony XL Pro advantages

The large treatment head of the Harmony XL Pro assures wide coverage and short treatment times. The laser warms gradually and contact cooling adds comfort and reduces the risk of damage to the surrounding skin. In-Motion™ delivery keeps the laser head moving for complete and even coverage. 

In-Motion reduces the snap-like sensation of other hair removal lasers, making for a more comfortable treatment that’s well tolerated by most patients. Treatment time varies by the size of your target area. The upper lip takes a few seconds while an entire back can be serviced in under 10 minutes. 

The number of sessions you need for complete hair removal depends on your body and how much hair you want to lose. Consult with the laser hair removal experts at CANJ Aesthetics in Oakland, New Jersey, to find out what you can expect. Make an appointment by phone or online to learn more. Go razor-free this summer with CANJ Aesthetics and the Harmony XL Pro system.