
I Hate My New Tattoo. When Can I Get It Removed?

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I Hate My New Tattoo. When Can I Get It Removed?

Your new tattoo didn’t turn out as planned? Don’t sweat it. You can start the removal process faster than you may realize. Keep reading to learn more about the laser tattoo removal timeline and what you can expect from the process.

Tattoos are a huge investment, but they don’t always turn out as we’d hoped. If you already hate your new tattoo, don’t panic — we’re here to help. 

We’ve seen it all at CANJ Aesthetics: Misspelled words, janky designs, wobbly lines, and the like. Whatever reason you have for disliking or no longer wanting your recently acquired tattoo, our experts can rewrite the past with our advanced tattoo removal technology. 

Here’s a closer look at what to expect. 

How quickly can I remove my new tattoo?

You don’t have to wait too long to start the tattoo removal process. We recommend waiting about six to eight weeks, or however long it takes for your skin to fully heal. That means within two months of getting your new body art, you could begin seeing less of your unwanted tattoo. 

We make you wait for a full recovery because tattoo removal treatments can take a toll on your skin, and we don’t want to expose tender, healing skin to the laser’s ink-penetrating energy. 

How does laser tattoo removal work?

To get rid of your tattoo or make it less noticeable, we must go below the surface of your skin and destroy the ink particles. 

We use Harmony XL Pro lasers, including a Q-switched Nd:YAG 1064 nanometer (nm) laser and a 532 nm wavelength laser light to break up the ink particles in your skin. The Q-switched laser works best on dark pigments, like black and blue, while the 532 nm laser targets bright colors, like red, orange, and yellow. 

After multiple sessions spaced several weeks apart, your body’s immune system gradually processes and eliminates the shattered ink particles the laser leaves behind. Over time, your tattoo fades from view. 

How many laser sessions will I need?

Everyone needs multiple tattoo removal sessions, but exactly how many you may need to get rid of your recent ink depends on a few factors. Larger, darker, and more colorful tattoos take longer than smaller, simpler tattoos. 

We also take into account the depth of your tattoo and your treatment goals. You’ll only need a handful of sessions if you’re okay with fading your tattoos, but if you want to remove them completely, we’ll likely need to see you for more treatments. 

We schedule your treatments several weeks apart to ensure your skin has fully healed and your immune system has had time to eliminate as much ink as possible. 

How does laser tattoo removal affect my skin?

Tattoo removal can be rough on your skin, especially if you don’t take care of it after each treatment. You can expect your skin to be slightly raw, red, and irritated; it may also be mildly swollen and blistered. These symptoms should fade within a few days.

As your skin recovers, be sure to apply sunscreen to the area every day. We also send you home with an antibacterial cream to reduce your risk of infection. Keep the area as clean as possible, and avoid using skin care products that might irritate the treatment area. 

Got more questions about what it takes to get rid of your unwanted tattoo? We’d love to talk with you about your removal options. Don’t hesitate to schedule a consultation with our team at our Oakland, New Jersey, office online or over the phone today.