
How Can I Get Rid of Varicose Veins for Good?

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How Can I Get Rid of Varicose Veins for Good?

We’ve got creams to slough off dry skin and lasers to zap away unwanted hair, but what do you do when your veins are causing cosmetic skin issues? Here, we highlight some ways we can help you banish varicose veins for good.

From dryness to stubborn stubble, getting your skin silky smooth can seem like an uphill battle. Add an underlying vascular issue like varicose veins, and it’s enough to make you want to throw in the towel altogether. 

But even when varicose veins set in, there’s hope for your skin. 

Our expert team of specialists at CANJ Aesthetics in Oakland, New Jersey, offers a wide range of vein removal treatments (and other skin care treatments) to help you get the ultra-smooth skin of your dreams. Here’s what you should know. 

Where your varicose veins come from

Varicose veins are those large, twisted veins that bulge out from below the surface of your skin. They occur when weakened or damaged valves in your veins cause blood to flow backward and pool. As your blood pools, it causes your veins to stretch and twist and become visible. 

Virtually anyone can get varicose veins, but you’re most at risk if you’re older, a woman, pregnant, and/or obese. Having a family history of varicose veins and standing or sitting for long periods can also make the problem more likely. 

In some cases, injury, previous vein surgery, and even overexposure to the sun can cause varicose veins. While they’re rarely painful or a threat to your health, you may notice:

  • An achy or heavy feeling in your legs
  • Itching around one or more of the veins
  • Changes in skin color
  • Dark purple or blue veins

Spider veins are very similar to varicose veins, but they’re smaller and develop closer to the surface of your skin. The good news is that if you have varicose veins, spider veins, or both, we have minimally invasive treatments to help you get rid of them for good. 

Treating your varicose veins

You may have seen an advertisement for some DIY method guaranteed to reduce the appearance of your visible veins — or worse, someone told you surgery was the only option, but in reality, the best way to deal with unwanted varicose veins quickly and efficiently is to see us for treatment. 

We begin with an evaluation to understand the root cause and severity of your varicose veins. 

Almost all of our patients with varicose veins are candidates for sclerotherapy, but there are a few exceptions. 

For instance, if you’re pregnant, you should wait to have sclerotherapy. We may also ask you to stop taking certain medications for a time before and after your procedure.

How sclerotherapy works

Sclerotherapy is a minimally invasive, non-surgical treatment that involves injecting a special, FDA-approved solution into your damaged veins. This sclerosing agent irritates their lining and causes them to collapse. 

Over time, the unused veins become scar tissue, which your body eventually processes and removes. A few weeks after your final treatment, you can expect your skin to clear as your veins fade from view. 

Most small varicose veins clear with just one sclerotherapy treatment; larger varicose veins may require repeat treatments. The typical sclerotherapy session takes less than an hour.

After sclerotherapy

Very few of our patients feel the need to take time off from work and their daily routines after sclerotherapy, but we do recommend avoiding strenuous exercise, long periods of sitting or standing, and extremely hot environments for at least a few days. 

Otherwise, you should feel free to walk, stand, and go about your day as you normally would. You should also expect to wear compression socks for a few weeks to help your veins readjust as your blood reroutes. 

If you’d like more information about your varicose vein removal options, don’t hesitate to schedule your consultation with our team at CANJ Aesthetics online or over the phone today.