
How Are IPL Treatments Different from Laser Therapy?

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How Are IPL Treatments Different from Laser Therapy?

Are you confused about which aesthetic treatment suits your unique skin and specific issues? You're not alone. Several treatments address the same problems with different technologies, like IPL and laser. Here's how they compare.

Most people love to have options, but too many alternatives can make it difficult to decide what's best. This dilemma is common in the world of aesthetic treatments, where the possibilities seem endless, and your social media feed bombards you with “expert” advice. 

With that in mind, understanding the differences in procedures like laser and IPL treatments can clear the field and help you zero in on the solution that will deliver the best results for your unique needs. 

Here, our seasoned team at CANJ Aesthetics in Oakland, New Jersey, walks through what IPLtreatments and laser therapy have to offer, helping you understand how they differ — and how each can benefit you. 

Understanding laser therapy 

The word laser is actually an acronym that stands for “light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation.” The lasers we use emit a concentrated beam of light that penetrates into the deepest layers of your skin. The heat energy from the light stimulates collagen production, which is key if you want to reverse signs of aging and address other flaws. 

We select a different wavelength of light energy depending on what type of skin issue you have. For instance, blue light at a lower wavelength addresses acne by targeting superficial skin layers, while higher wavelengths can go deeper into your skin, targeting uneven pigments and even providing skin-tightening effects. 

Laser treatments are incredibly versatile and can address many of the most common cosmetic concerns, including uneven skin tone, blemishes, unwanted tattoos, spider and varicose veins, pigmented lesions, and fine lines and wrinkles. 

Understanding IPL treatments

Intense pulsed light (IPL) also employs light for skin treatment, but instead of a single color on the spectrum, IPL uses scattered light and multiple wavelengths. With IPL, we perform what's called a photofacial to address pigmentation problems, unwanted body hair, and common signs of aging. 

How laser and IPL treatments are alike

Laser and IPL treatments overlap in a few key areas. First, we use them to treat similar issues, ranging from wrinkles and sun spots to acne and visible blood vessels. Both are also effective for improving skin texture, diminishing acne scars, and removing tattoos and unwanted hair. 

These two treatments also find a level playing field in terms of downtime. IPL is generally associated with less downtime, although the recovery time depends on the specific laser or IPL device and the settings we’ve chosen. Ablative lasers, which remove the top skin layer, typically require more downtime than IPL. However, aggressive IPL treatments addressing brown spots may also require longer recovery periods.

We walk you through exactly what to expect based on your skin type, the condition we’re treating, and our formulated treatment plan. 

How laser and IPL treatments differ

IPL and laser treatments start to part ways when you take a look at things like treatment requirements and cost.

Laser therapy may require fewer treatments to achieve results than IPL. However, the number of treatments you need depends on what you're treating. IPL usually involves a series of treatments, while some laser treatments may be performed only once a year.

Compared to lasers, IPL is generally less uncomfortable and offers the possibility of dual results in a single treatment due to the use of different light wavelengths. Additionally, IPL sessions tend to be shorter as the device's larger head covers more surface area. 

IPL isn’t always an option for darker skin tones due to its interaction with melanin, posing a risk of skin damage, and it may also be less effective for individuals with naturally light hair. 

When it comes to cost, IPL is often less expensive, but the overall cost depends on factors such as treatment results and the number of sessions required. We guide you through your options, so you can choose the treatment that fits your budget.

In the end, you have two incredibly advanced and effective treatments at your disposal. The choice between the two often depends on your treatment goals and the intensity of the treatment. Our team carefully considers all the possible variables and helps you decide which is best for you.

If you'd like more information about IPL and laser treatments and are curious about which is right for your skin needs, our team at CANJ Aesthetics can help. Request an appointment online or over the phone and talk to one of our experts today.