
Help! I Regret My Tattoo

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Help! I Regret My Tattoo

Getting that tattoo may have seemed like a good idea at the time. But now you regret it. Wish you could erase a tattoo that no longer suits you? Learn about our safe, effective laser tattoo removal treatment.

Tattoos can be gorgeous works of art that you’re proud to display on your body. But sometimes, you end up with a tattoo you regret.

Perhaps you had the name of a romantic partner tattooed onto your body — and then broke up. Or maybe you got a tattoo on impulse, only to later wish you’d thought more before committing yourself to new ink. You might have outgrown an image that meant so much to you when you were younger, but means little now. Or you might simply be tired of a tattoo that no longer represents the image of yourself you’d like to project to the world.

Whatever reason you have for regretting or changing your mind about a tattoo, rest assured that you don’t have to grow old with an indelible image of Bart Simpson on your bicep (unless you want to, of course). Thanks to advances in noninvasive aesthetics technology, tattoo removal has never been easier or more successful.

At CANJ Aesthetics in Oakland, New Jersey, our care providers specialize in removing unwanted tattoos. Read on to learn about our tattoo removal services.

“Permanent” ink

When you get a tattoo, the tattoo artist injects indelible inks, pigments, or dyes into the middle layer (dermis) of your skin. Tattoos are meant to be permanent, and unless you have them removed, they can last a lifetime.

Removing a tattoo

Here at CANJ Aesthetics, our team uses the state-of-the-art Harmony XL Pro laser system to remove tattoos. The Harmony XL Pro system delivers gentle laser energy to the tattooed area of skin. When the ink in the tattoo absorbs the laser energy, it breaks apart into smaller pigment particles that your body absorbs and eventually eliminates. Over time, your tattoo fades or disappears. 

Because different ink types and colors absorb energy differently, the Harmony XL Pro system uses different types of laser wavelengths and vibrations to fully customize your treatment.

The results of your treatment depend in part on the type of tattoo you have. Darker, larger tattoos are more complicated to remove than smaller, lighter tattoos. The type of ink used by your tattoo artist is also a key factor in how many sessions you may require to remove it.

A personalized approach

Tattoo removal is a safe, effective treatment when performed by an experienced, well-trained care provider like the experts here at CANJ Aesthetics.

If you’re thinking of having tattoo removal treatment, our team examines your tattoo and creates a personalized treatment plan for you. Your treatment plan includes an estimate of how many tattoo removal sessions you’ll need, as well as what results you can expect.

To schedule a tattoo removal consultation with one of our care providers, call 551-231-1733 or request an appointment using our online contact form today.