
Help! I Have Acne Scars

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Help! I Have Acne Scars

Does your face look like a battlefield, scarred and pitted from countless scrapes with acne? You’re not alone, and you’ve got our experts by your side to help you bounce back with a fresh face. Learn how we address acne scars here. 

Second only to the breakouts themselves, acne scars are one of the complaints we hear most often in our office. And it’s not surprising: Acne affects upwards of 50 million people in the United States, topping the charts as the most common skin condition. What’s worse? Up to 95% of acne-prone folks experience scarring. 

When you have acne scars, it’s almost impossible to move on from a breakout and feel confident in your skin. So, our experts at CANJ Aesthetics in Oakland, New Jersey, have decided to join in the fight. 

We offer a wide range of aesthetic services to help you improve skin health and appearance so you can put your best face forward. Here’s what you should know. 

Why do I have acne scars?

To understand how acne turns into acne scars, it helps to think of pimples and other acne lesions as being similar to an iceberg. You may see a red bump on the surface of your skin, but there’s a lot more going on below the surface.  

When your breakouts penetrate the deepest layers of your skin, they wreak havoc on your skin and the tissue below. When the visible acne clears, your body tries to repair the damage by producing collagen. Collagen, you may know, is a key ingredient for firm, youthful-looking skin, but only if you have the right amounts. 

Depending on how much collagen your body makes, you could wind up with a depressed acne scar from too little collagen, or a raised acne scar from too much.  

Virtually anyone can develop acne scars, but your risk is higher if you:

  • Have inflammatory acne, such as cystic acne or nodules
  • Don’t get treatment for inflammatory acne
  • Have a family history of acne scarring

Picking, squeezing, and popping your acne can dramatically increase your risk of scarring — all your fussing increases inflammation and causes even more damage. 

How can I get rid of acne scars?

Acne scars are stubborn, and finding which method works best for your skin may take a while. While you may be tempted to try and get rid of them on your own with topicals and crossed fingers, the best way to address acne scars is to team up with the pros. 

We begin with a consultation to examine your skin and discuss your history with acne and acne scarring. From there, we create a treatment plan that works best for you, your skin type, and the type of scars you have. 

When acne scars are the problem, we turn to aesthetic treatments that go into the deepest layers of your skin to prompt new cell growth and collagen production. Depending on your needs, you may benefit from a photofacial, IPL, Harmony XL Pro, or ClearLift treatment. 

Each of these treatments is safe, minimally invasive, and well-tolerated — some are so quick you can schedule them over your lunch break. 

We help you back up your treatments with skin care products and practices that promote optimal skin healing and prevent future breakouts. 

With our team on your side, you can leave your acne in the past where it belongs. If you have more questions about dealing with stubborn acne scars, we can help. Call or click online to schedule your consultation with our team at CANJ Aesthetics in Oakland, New Jersey, today.