
Get Help for Your Rosacea with IPL Therapy

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Get Help for Your Rosacea with IPL Therapy

Tired of relying on makeup to cover up redness, spider veins, swelling, and inflammation on your face? Learn about IPL therapy, a safe and highly effective way to minimize or erase your rosacea symptoms.

Do you blush easily? Do you experience frequent redness on your cheeks, nose, forehead, and chin? Does your face have tiny, visible blood vessels that contribute to a reddish tone in your skin? If so, you may have rosacea, a common skin condition that causes persistent redness and other noticeable symptoms.

People with rosacea often rely on makeup to cover skin redness and create a more even complexion. But the aesthetics care providers at CANJ Aesthetics in Oakland, New Jersey, offer a safe and highly effective alternative — instead of just covering up your rosacea, you can minimize or erase it with a long-lasting treatment known as IPL therapy.

If you’re tired of putting up with rosacea, read on to learn more about how IPL therapy can address it to help you restore even skin tone and a beautiful complexion.

Understanding rosacea

Researchers aren’t completely sure what causes rosacea, although they believe that it may be linked to genes or an overactive immune system. Whatever the cause, it can influence the way you look and how you feel about yourself.

While people of any skin color can develop rosacea, those with lighter skin tones have more visible symptoms. For some people, rosacea results only in mild flushing or a pinkish tinge to the skin. For others, it can have a significantly greater impact, causing one or more of the following:

  • An uncomfortable burning sensation on your facial skin
  • Persistent acne-like pimples or bumps
  • Ocular rosacea, or eye problems that include dryness, swelling, and irritation
  • Redness anywhere on your face, especially around your nose
  • Redness that spreads to your neck, ears, chest, or beyond
  • Visible spider veins (tiny red blood vessels) on your nose and cheeks

In more severe cases, you may experience inflammation or thickening of the skin on and around your nose, causing it to appear swollen, larger, or even bulbous.

How IPL therapy treats rosacea

You don’t have to put up with rosacea symptoms. With IPL therapy, our CANJ Aesthetics team can minimize or erase many of the telltale signs of rosacea.

IPL stands for intense pulsed light, a type of light therapy that can even out your skin tone. IPL is similar to laser therapy, but with an important difference: Laser treatments use just one wavelength of light, but IPL uses multiple therapeutic wavelengths.

Multiple wavelengths scatter the light energy in a wider field rather than focusing it on one pinpoint area, as laser therapy does. This scattering allows for a safer approach to skin care for chronic conditions like rosacea, delivering results over a wider area without damaging the skin.

When you receive IPL treatments, the tiny blood vessels and reddish pigments in your skin absorb the multi-spectrum lightwaves. The gentle, highly targeted energy breaks up problematic pigments and broken blood vessels. As they disintegrate, they’re absorbed and eliminated by your body.

Have your rosacea evaluated

To determine whether you’re a good candidate for IPL therapy to treat rosacea, we conduct a full skin evaluation and discuss your aesthetic goals. We also go over how many treatment sessions you may need to reach your skin goals, and what you should do to prepare for IPL therapy.

If you’re interested in exploring IPL therapy for your rosacea, schedule a consultation by calling 551-231-1733 today, or simply request an appointment using our online contact form any time.