
Can IV Therapy Help Treat Acne?

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Can IV Therapy Help Treat Acne?

Bumps, blemishes, and pimples, oh my! If you’re ready to kick acne to the curb but feel like you’ve tried everything, consider IV therapy. We have all the details for you here.

When you think of intravenous (IV) fluids, you likely think of a sick person in a hospital bed with monitors beeping in the background. But IV lines have gained a new reputation, one that helps even the healthiest among us. 

Our expert team of specialists at CANJ Aesthetics in Oakland, New Jersey, have years of experience with IV therapy, and have used it to help our patients attain relief from their most frustrating symptoms — and boost their overall health and wellness along the way. 

Our IV therapy treatments have also been shown to have incredible cosmetic results, as we explain here.

What’s the deal with acne?

Acne is one of the most common and most frustrating skin conditions. Almost no one gets away with never having a breakout, but what’s causing them to crop up in the first place?

The basic cause of acne is clogged hair follicles. Your skin is covered with hair follicles, and if they get gunked up with excess oil, dirt, bacteria, dead skin, and other crud, you develop acne. 

Acne can take on a few different looks — from red bumps, whiteheads, and blackheads to cystic nodules below your skin. Either way, they’re embarrassing, irritating, and they can even be painful. 

What can I do about acne?

If you’re struggling with acne, you’re in the right place. We offer a wide range of aesthetic and medical services to rejuvenate your skin and address chronic conditions like acne. Depending on your needs, we may recommend ClearLift, laser treatments, and prescription-strength skin care products. 

You can also start some basic skin health habits, such as staying hydrated, eating a balanced diet, and keeping your skin clean and dry. And, you can also try IV therapy. 

How does IV therapy work for acne?

IV therapy may not have been on your radar for acne treatment, but we’ve seen it give our acne-prone patients a leg up in their battle against the blemish. Here’s how. 

When we hook you up to our IV line, we deliver a potent concoction of fluids and nutrients directly into your blood system. Doing it that way (instead of taking a supplement or guzzling water) allows for a 100% absorption rate.

Our patients see us for IV therapy to help them kick a cold, bounce back from a hangover or jet lag, stop headaches, ease pregnancy symptoms, increase immunity, boost energy, and even recover after a workout. But IV therapy can also improve your skin.

That’s because the solutions we use contain skin-boosting vitamins, minerals, and antioxidant nutrients, like zinc and vitamin C. 

Zinc, in particular, has powerful anti-inflammatory capabilities, which can help you tame a breakout and prevent future issues. Vitamin C encourages collagen production, repairs skin damage, and improves your skin’s overall health. 

You can also count on amino acids, vitamin D, and glutathione (an antioxidant) to boost your energy and support your skin from the inside out. 

The bottom line on IV therapy for acne

IV therapy likely isn’t the acne treatment that first came to mind, but if you’re in the thick of an acne battle, nothing’s off the table. If you’re ready to see how a steady supply of vitamins and fluids can help you beat back acne, don’t hesitate to schedule your consultation with our team at CANJ Aesthetics online or over the phone today.