
Are Spider Veins Hereditary

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Are Spider Veins Hereditary

If you have spider veins, you probably wonder where they came from. Learn about some common reasons people get spider veins, and what you can do to erase them safely from your face and body.

Spider veins are a smaller, milder type of varicose vein that can appear on your legs, face, or on other areas of your body. Named after their appearance, which is reminiscent of spider web strands, spider veins develop when tiny vessels become dilated with excess blood.

If you have spider veins, you’re not alone. More than half of women have them or eventually get them. Of course, the fact that spider veins are common doesn’t make having them any less frustrating. Also known as thread veins, these tiny sprawling veins can mar your skin and undermine your confidence, especially if they develop in a prominent, visible place.

If spider veins have appeared on your face or body, you probably have many questions about them. Why do you have them? Have you inherited them from your family? And, perhaps most importantly, what can you do to get rid of them?

Here at CANJ Aesthetics in Oakland, New Jersey, our seasoned care providers have a comprehensive understanding of spider vein causes and treatments. Here, we offer context on why you may have developed spider veins, and what you can do to erase them from your face or body.

Causes of spider veins

Like varicose veins, spider veins develop when the valves in your veins that are designed to keep blood flowing properly sustain damage and don’t work as well as they should. When these valves malfunction, blood can pool in your veins, which causes them to bulge and become more visible just beneath the surface of your skin. 

As you may have guessed, heredity plays a substantial role in the development of spider veins. In fact, more than half of women with spider veins or varicose veins have a parent with spider or varicose veins. However, heredity isn’t the only factor that can affect valve function and raise the risk of spider veins. Other causes include:

  • Advancing age
  • Being overweight or obese
  • Pregnancy (especially multiple pregnancies)
  • Having a medical condition that affects your veins
  • Sitting or standing for long periods of time (such as at work)
  • Using estrogen-based medications for birth control or menopause symptoms

Erasing spider veins

If spider veins are causing you discomfort or interfering with your appearance, you have several removal options. Here at CANJ Aesthetics, we perform spider vein removal using the following procedures:


With sclerotherapy, your provider injects a chemical compound known as a sclerosant into the unwanted veins. The sclerosant causes the inside of the vein to stick together, which seals up the vein and makes it disappear.

Intense pulsed light (IPL) 

IPL uses bright light therapy to painlessly destroy spider veins and clear your skin.

Laser vein therapy

Laser vein removal is typically used only for larger, denser spider veins. It uses gentle laser energy to painlessly destroy spider veins.

To determine which of these procedures is best for your spider veins, our team performs an evaluation, examining your spider veins and talking with you about your health and your aesthetic goals. Then, we recommend the best approach for your cosmetic needs, and create a customized treatment plan just for you.

Stop stressing about your spider veins

If you’d like to learn more about having your spider veins erased, we invite you to schedule an evaluation at CANJ Aesthetics in Oakland, New Jersey. Simply call 551-231-1733 today, or use our online contact form to request an evaluation appointment any time.